Illustration by Tineke Noppers
Contact us if your improv team would like to perform at It Could Be Funny
Geoff even did a one-person improv set.
New people who have never tried improv before had a great time.
The jam can get wild.
It's a Truthy Improv Comedy Show and Jam
Every other Friday at Fincan, a community-run cafe in Neukölln, we host one or two improv teams, followed by an open jam.
We aim to make a warm and inviting environment for all kinds of adults to be silly together. In English.
Donations accepted for the space.
Show starts at 9 pm.
Altenbraker Str 26
a 2-minute walk to U8 and Ringbahn
Follow on Instagram @both.and.comedy
Vegan dinner
There is also a vegan dinner, available for donation, starting at 7:30 pm. 3-10 Euro